In his book “Cambodian contemporised history and my consequent position” Kieu Samphan sounded to portray the
pro-sino-viet politics of Sihanouk as the only beneficial alternative solution
for Cambodia to resolve this crisis. He seems to forget that because this
stupid and irresponsible act of Sihanouk and his clan, Cambodia and Khmer
people were appallingly ever burn in the Hanoi’s hell fire where three millions
innocent life were perished, destroyed and Cambodia become what it is today.
Whatever, Kieu Samphan
mentioned at page 19 “Second composing of Khmer opinion is formed of Khmer
intellectuals that we can qualify as pro-American. Some of them perceive to the
conclusion that the only way of salvation for Cambodia is to make Cambodia a
republic to the American model. These intellectuals categorically refuse to
admit that, even his defaults, the prince Sihanouk was the only Cambodian
leader capable to contain this war along our Eastern border and if Cambodia
persists to align up with USA it will draw the reprisals of North Vietnam and
with it’s the whole Soviet bloc. They refused to recognise that one our country
will drive into Vietnamese war, it will reduce into ash; in that condition,
their dreams of democracy, the social and economics progress will be a pure
It is undeniable that
no one wishes to be subject of other. A Nation needs to be free and independent
to work for the interest of its nation and people but we live in a
globalisation of civilisation and interrelation whether economics or politics.
We can only be independent in some extent but none, not even the most
influenced country, is really the absolute independent.
Whatever the most
victimise of the system is the small and poor countries which often victims of
a structure that resemble strangely to the mafia system of the big echelon.
To be more powerful and spread their authority or to fight for rights of robbing, of exploitation the natural resources of the powerless countries, the influenced countries never hesitate to employ the big averages to reach their evil needs. The fierce war of inter-imperialist did kill millions life and left many other millions suffer endlessly till now and then. In that case, a poor and small country as Cambodia needs to choose a friendly country or protector that may harm them less than other else. This was how the group of Khmer intellectual of that period see the republic to the American model as the only alternative to save Khmer Nation from Yuon’s threat because evidently, royalism as communism, both are Yuon’s slaves and the Americans democrats were/are the leftists; most of them support and love Vietcong till today.
During Vietnam war,
those people joined the anti war American or anti Vietnam war crusade of
Charles de Gaulle including John Kerry himself where many complots were directed by
the leftists with the complicity of John Kerry and his clan against USA.
Unfortunately, in
exception of few real Khmer Republicans many were Sihanouk servant including M.
Lon Nol himself. They just joined the movement to legitimate Sihanouk fugue or
to cover Sihanouk treason against Khmer Nation and people.
In reality, even after
numerous valuable supports that Sihanouk imported to the Vietcong to maintain
their movement whether material, arms or lodge but it was not enough for China
and Hanoi overcome their baneful plan.
According to Bernard Hamel, confirmed by other sources, in seventies, Khmer rouge counted no more than 3000 heads with poor arm, poor equipped and no real goal or ideology. They knew nothing about communism nor act of war. Most of them are poor and lost people suffered of social injustice. They were then picked up by communist propaganda machine.
According to Bernard Hamel, confirmed by other sources, in seventies, Khmer rouge counted no more than 3000 heads with poor arm, poor equipped and no real goal or ideology. They knew nothing about communism nor act of war. Most of them are poor and lost people suffered of social injustice. They were then picked up by communist propaganda machine.
In his article “” ex
Minister Chao Xeng Au portrayed the force of Khmer rouge in seventies as
annihilated, inexistence “ Truth of the false civil war in CambodiaIt could not
be ‘Civil war’ in Cambodia in this country in seventies for the simple reason
that Sihanouk did not dispose any troop under his order after his dismissed on
March 18 1970. As for the Khmer rouge, they did not count because their
movement was been completely annihilated by three years of massive military
campaign of Sihanouk (1967, 1968, 1969)" - Depressed and hopeless Pol
Pot went to Vietnam then to China to seek for help early in 1970.
Bernard Hamel testified
again “few days before the event of Mars 18 1970, Pham Van Dong and Pol Pot
were invited by Peking to discus the problem. At Peking Pol Pot told Chou In
Lay the sad sort of his army.
Of course if Sihanouk
still holds the power in Cambodia it will be impossible or too delicate for
Vietnamese and China to reverse Sihanouk and invade Cambodia with those few
Khmer rouge, so few that they can count as the finger. It was not in the plan
of Vietnamese to primary use a direct administration in Cambodia or execute the
mass killing with their proper hand or they will face the International
community and the millions of leftists in Europe, in USA who looked to Vietcong
as their heroes, the ones who had victoriously win the big American
imperialist. This too is delicate the Vietnamese can do better, kill by tactic
serve by strategy then they will be winners at all fronts.. Other hand Viets
used to have the very bad experience in the past with Khmer people through the
direct administration system.
As it is testified by
many people who were the high officers in Sihanouk and Lon Nol regime, “None,
none think to destitute Sihanouk but it was Sihanouk who self destitute (said
Mrs Ung Bun Hor),” by refusing to return back to Cambodia to take the
calamitous situation in hand even all dignitaries and high officers including
his own mother and Lon Nol begged him all day long by phone while he was in
In their book “Cambodia of silence” of Pierre Max and Sam Prasith, mentioned about this event as below, page 114-115 “It was the General Lon Nol who revealed me at February 16 1970 before he come back to Phnom Penh: If the Prince doesn’t enter immediately to Phnom Penh, we will be definitively lost.
- My seignior, come
back to Phnom Penh, be in command of the State in particularly the army force,
in hand, if you don’t, other in charge it… But Sihanouk seemed to be very
careless to this begging instead he enjoying dancing and singing, talking of
film, songs and joke.
Lon Nol was someone secret, discrete, he talked so little – may be by habitude – He directed the State, Army and the special unities. The “SR of Lon Nol” said – They said a lot of thing about him but most but most of them are all false. The most enormous contradiction of truth, is to have forced him to apply in the complot of the constitution designed to reverse Sihanouk. Contrary, he was been in French tempting to reason the Prince Sihanouk to come back to Phnom Penh and precisely to retake the command of Army and State and meanwhile to serve himself.
Lon Nol was a faithful servant of Sihanouk. He told me that, he was back to Phnom Penh at February 17 with a dying soul because he could not convince the Prince to return back to Cambodia. “ - The situation however was really explosive – The militaries cant anymore tolerate the continual advance of the Vietcong who betrayed their engagement not to pass over their sanctuaries zone. At Svay Reing our army could not even command on their own territory- while a convey of Vietcong passes, these last banned the road of our soldiers…. “
Till to day, Khmer people never understand this absurd baneful oeuvre of Sihanouk except the Sihanouk himself, his wife Monique, his mother in law, the Vietnamese and Chou In Lay - a well high betrayal act of Sihanouk against Khmer Nation and people.
In fact, Sihanouk and
his accomplices did have their very own plan. Sihanouk must leave Cambodia to
allow the Vietcong attacking Cambodia and use his fugue as pretext to force
Khmer people to join the Khmero-vietcong movement by victimising Sihanouk of a
‘false’ coup Etat’ complot. Hanoi did need few Khmer to be mask on their real
force. Then without this obscure plan, the Vietnamese would not have enough
Khmer elements to archive their plan then they have to accomplish the dirty
works with their proper hands which is something so delicate. The Vietnamese
need to handle their baneful plan very carefully if they don’t want to have
problem with Khmer people one they will officially occupy Cambodia to lead that
long vietnamisation and their political of slow and invisible extermination of
Khmer people as they are doing actually.
Five days after the
official destitution of Sihanouk or the complot of false ‘Coup Etat Mar 18
1970” in Cambodia, Sihanouk reached China where he created at March 23 1970 at
Peking; Army Liberation Front and Unit National Front which armed to military
and politically support the Khmero-Vietcong.
From that day, Sihanouk
accelerated the killing field mechanic already in place. Since China, Sihanouk
violently insulted Khmer people, Lon Nol, Serimatak, ….. ect… He placed himself
as a miserable victim of an injustice and a dirty complot to incite Khmer
people to joint Khmero-Vietcong movement.
P.Ponchaud was one
arrested by Vietcong in Cambodia during that period testified that ‘Vietcongs
have completely invaded Cambodia in that period. While he was one arrested by
Vietcong he saw the Vietcong diffused the message of the king sihanouk telling
Khmer people to join the resistance. This is how many of them joined the
Khmero-vietcong movement by love for Sihanouk’
In some regions, the
Vietcong got the message or consign of the king Sihanouk as protection or to
show Khmer people that they come in the name of Sihanouk. At April 17 1970, Time News papers reported (1) that the Vietcong army force
named themselves as the powerful army of Sihanouk. They went in many Khmer
villages from East to West to force Khmer people to join their movement which
they named it with Sihanouk since 1963, the ‘Khmer rouge’, a name forged from
the Khmer-vietminh panel, a Yuon’s resistance in Khmer appearance in reality.
This is how the real Khmer rouge (Khmero-yuon) movement was formed.
Along seventies, Lon
Nol force has arrested and killed many of Khmero-Vietcong on many battle fronts
on Khmer territory. Many tonne of Vietnamese military munitions were seized by
Khmer force. A war that many named as civil war in reality it was with the
Vietcong. Cambodia was in war with Vietnam. At that time, 99% of those who
commit terrorist act all over Cambodian territory were Vietnamese.
According to ‘Le monde of Juin 6 1970’ it was the general Giap who was the chef commander of the operation in
Cambodia during that period. Those are what we call ‘Coup Etat 18Mars 1970 in
In an interview
accorded to Paris Match May 3 1975 (1-2), Sihanouk revealed a such atrocious premeditated crime
that he wanted to afflict to Khmer people. He said “Mother Queen who had
abandoned me behind my back, I’ll humiliate her. The bourgeois of Phnom Penh
who betrayed their chief and their motherland, I’ll humiliate them. And to
punish them, I will not enter in the capital with my troupe, I will order to
chasse them out at first. I don’t want to reinstall after the liberation. …. –
Lon Nol, it’s Laval- I will shoot him naturally but as he is a Khmer and as all
Khmers are my child, I will shoot him with tenderness (Paris Match May 3 1975,
interviewed by M.Allain Peyrefitte - Extract from the Thesis Papers - "Myht
of the Genocide in Cambodia "-
Whatever it is but it
was the begining of a positive thing, a new air for Cambodia. During that
period, Khmer society did progress a giant path specially in literature domain
-rich books, rich expression.....ect... Cambodia would be really different from
what it is today. It would never have that "killing field. Cambodia would
be become second South Korean or at least like Thailand. But unfortunately,
through Sihanouk Yuon’s did reach its long evil dream - Amekhmer
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